The Myriad Uses Of The iPad In The Operating Room - Better Health
An exploratory article which mentions a number of areas where the multi talented iPad could be used in surgery is discussed and exemplified with a number of existing apps:
- Communication - communicating and sharing images, data and knowledge between patients and specialists
- Intraoperative visualization - visual presentation of vital signs and images that can increase the overview of the situation or add specific crucial details
- Intraoperative measurement - supporting measurements and navigation during the operation
- Augmented Reality in the Operating Room - supporting situation by adding complementary views (3D X-ray et al), information and specialist knowledge and advice as well as providing visual tools directly in the visual field of the surgeon in action
The article concludes by saying:
The iPad has the potential be a game changer in surgery because of its small size, built in sensors and wireless networking capabilities. The only restriction is the imagination of future surgical innovators. Even if the above predictions fail to materialize, it is safe to say what the future holds is only barely imagined today.